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Same day Edit wedding - Irene & Igor

Sabato, 15 Giugno 2019

The video will be filmed, edited and projected on the same day of the wedding Video girato, montato e proiettato il giorno steso del matrimonio. Location:Villa Castelletti- Signa Tuscacy Wedding Palnner: Consuelo Wedding Planner & Federica Bisanti Allestimenti: EXO-USIA Edi Rossello DJ:Stefano Nanncini Photographer: Daniele Cuccia Videomakes: Leonardo Baldassini Carlos Tamanini Andrea valle Editing: Carlos Tamanini Filmed: Canon C100 Mark II and Sony alpha 7 III video production: Carlos Tamanini Videomaker


Signa - Tuscany

Wedding Planner

Consuelo Wedding Planner & Federica Bisanti